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He Will Forever Be Missed




Remembering Monsignor Andrew G. Varga

This memorial site was created in memory of our beloved pastor, Monsignor Andy. 
With heavy hearts, we cherish his memory and celebrate his life.


Celebrating the Life of Monsignor Andrew G. Varga

Andrew George Varga was born in Bridgeport, Connecticut, on November 3, 1952, son of Andrew and Gizella Varga.  He was baptized November 30, 1952, at Saint Stephen Church on Spruce Street in Bridgeport.  He made his First Holy Communion and received the Sacrament of Confirmation at Holy Name of Jesus Church in Stratford.


He attended Saint Holy Name of Jesus School, Fairfield College Preparatory School in Fairfield, and Fairfield University where he received a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology.  Monsignor Varga received his priestly formation at the Theological College of the Catholic University of America, receiving a Master of Arts in Theology.  He was ordained to the priesthood for the Diocese of Bridgeport by the Most Reverend Walter W. Curtis at Saint Augustine Cathedral in Bridgeport on May 6, 1978.


Following his ordination, his first assignment was as Associate Pastor of Saint Matthew Church in Norwalk (1978-1983).  In 1983, he was transferred to Saint Theresa Church in Trumbull where he had served as deacon.  In 1991, Monsignor Varga was assigned to Saint Leo Church in Stamford.  In February 1992, he was assigned as temporary administrator of Saint Joseph Parish in Brookfield before formally being made Pastor in August of the same year.  He began his last assignment as Pastor of Saint Luke Church in Westport in 1997, a position he held for 25 years.


In 1982, he was awarded a Doctor of Ministry degree from the School of Religious Studies in the Department of Theology at the Catholic University of America.  Throughout his years of priestly ministry in the Diocese, Monsignor Varga served on both the Presbyteral Council and the College of Consultors.  Bishop Caggiano appointed Monsignor Varga as Territorial Vicar for Vicariate II in 2014.  He chaired the Diocesan Liturgical Commission for many years, served on the Sacred Arts Committee, and was an active team member of the North American Forum on the Catechumenate, speaking at workshops around the country.  In addition, Monsignor taught homiletics in the Permanent Diaconate Formation Program for many years.  Monsignor Varga was a member of the committee appointed by Bishop William Lori for the preparation and catechesis for the new English translation of the Roman Missal in 2011.


In 2008, Monsignor Varga received the great honor of being named Chaplain to His Holiness.


Monsignor Varga's body will be received at Saint Luke Church, Westport on Thursday, March 17 at 3:00 p.m. and will lie in repose until 7:00 p.m., Mass will be celebrated for the repose of Monsignor Varga's soul.  The principal celebrant will be Monsignor Thomas Powers, Vicar General; the homilist will be Reverend Skip Karcsinski.  The Most Reverend Frank J. Caggiano will celebrate the Funeral Mass on Friday, March 18 at 11:00 a.m.  The homilist will be Deacon Brian Kelly. 



49 Turkey Hill Road North, Westport, CT  06880

Phone (203) 227-7245   |   Fax (203) 226-8063

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